Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Finish This! -- Week #17

Finish This!

This game is called "Finish This," and all you have to do is finish the following prompts and link up your post below! You can also visit the other hosts of this party on their fun blogs: Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {Coastlined}, and Becky {The Java Mama}.

Adam visited me in Omaha last year
My last growing pain was starting a new job. Before I had George I had the most incredible job. I did IT work on Catastrophe Sites for an insurance company. I handled all of the reporting, software training, operations setup, etc. I traveled 100% of the time for my job and was able to visit some incredible places and met amazing people. That was my hobby and my social life all in one. After I had George I knew I had to make a job change because I couldn't travel anymore. So now I am working in a local office (same company) commuting and learning a whole new role within Human Resources. I still do IT/Analyst type work, but it's nothing compared to what I used to do. It's been a change for my socially as I have very few friends locally and it's been a challenge work wise learning something new. Definitely a HUGE growing pain!

I grow and nurture my relationship with Adam's mom. I didn't have any type of relationship with my own mother and I am beyond blessed to have the mother I've always wanted. She only had boys, so never had a daughter, and we have that wonderful relationship. We are so open and honest and I just feel like we are always growing together.

The guilt-free snack I enjoy most is CELERY. Oh my gosh. I love celery and veggie dip or ranch. I could eat the heck out of celery. I just don't like cutting it!! I think that's why I love going for Sunday dinner because there is always celery out on the veggie tray. Mmmm.... I want some now!

The best reason to stay up all night is for traveling. Whether it be because I have an early morning flight, or because we are driving somewhere, I would stay up all night to be heading out somewhere on an adventure. I miss traveling! 

If I were stranded on a desert island, I’d cry. Period. I am not rugged or outdoorsy or adventurous in eating. This would be the worst thing possible. I'm pretty sure I'd never make it.

Prompts for WEEK 18 (May 7) are:
I feel an adrenaline rush when …
I feel energized when …
I feel small when …
I feel big when …
I feel indestructible when …
I feel stupid when …
I feel smart when …

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finish This! -- Week #16

Finish This! 

This game is called "Finish This," and all you have to do is finish the following prompts and link up your post below! You can also visit the other hosts of this party on their fun blogs: Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {Coastlined}, and Becky {The Java Mama}. 

George is 3 months old today!

My favorite makeup item is BLUSH. I've always said if there is 1 makeup item I cannot live without it is blush. I wear Clinque's Powder Blush in Breathless Berry. I have worn it for years!

The best book I’ve ever read was Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. I feel like I wrote about this one a few weeks ago. It was a story about a shooting at a school told from the perspective of one of the student's parents. However, as a reader you begin to sympathize with the shooter because of the horrific bullying he endured from the students. (Yes, I said it... because that's what I felt.) It kept me on my toes the entire book and the end simply shocked me.

My favorite TV show is Nashville. I L-O-V-E country music, so getting to see a drama about country is SO much fun! I like the music on the show and all the drama that goes on between the characters.

The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done is hopped on a plane to surprise a friend. He was deploying for Japan, so I flew from Phoenix to LA for the day and waited at his gate to surprise him. Spontaneous because I made the decision only 4 hours before my flight took off to book the surprise ticket. I had no idea what flight he was on, what airline he was on and what time he'd arrive. So I watched for all the flights coming in from Salt Lake City and waited outside each one (this was pre 9/11) until I found him!

I prefer DOGS/CATS because - oh goodness, people are going to hate me. I do not like animals, so I cannot agree to prefer either of these two. I am so not an animal person. They both shed, poop all over, smell, etc.. I will quit there.

I met my significant other at a local bar. Yes, I did. I was out for a girls night - wig themed party, and my DD was standing at his table at the end of the night... I told him to show me his hands because I was only interested in a man who had working hands. (I might have had a few too many drinks at this point). The funny thing is, that he's very blue collar and works with his hands all the time and has very used and abused hands. We both agree that when I asked that question, something was sparked because he believes in a strong work ethic and knew I did too when I posed that to him.

Prompts for WEEK 17 (April 30) are:My last growing pain was…
I grow and nurture…
The guilt-free snack I enjoy most…
The best reason to stay up all night…
If I were stranded on a desert island, I’d…

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Finish This! -- Week #15

Finish This!

This game is called "Finish This," and all you have to do is finish the following prompts and link up your post below! You can also visit the other hosts of this party on their fun blogs: Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {Coastlined}, and Becky {The Java Mama}.

Willow River State Park 

My favorite vacation spot is... We don't go to one place over and over aside from our cabin up North..  However, we went to St Simon's Island in Georgia last year for a wedding and fell madly in love with it.  We cannot wait to go back and take a family vacation there!  It is quaint little town and the beach is stunning. 

If I won a million dollars I would… Leave the country immediately.  Then I would pay off my house and student loan debt... I'd help out our families with their outstanding debts and then save the rest.   Sounds kind of lame, but a million dollars won't go very far after taxes and helping others!

If I found a genie in a bottle, my three wishes would be...

  1. Get rid of cancer. Period.  My dad has had 2 forms in 2 years and I know far too many people who have suffered from it.  It's miserable and breaks my heart esp when I see children fighting it.
  2. Ask for the winning lottery numbers for the week... money problems = solved (which also means I can work part-time and stay home and play with Georgie the rest of my time!!). 
  3. My third wish would be that winter would be a little shorter (and less cold!).  After this years winter lasting from October - April, I'm about done with Wisconsin winters!!
My favorite clothing item(s) is/are Gap Pure Body Tanks (Here)  No, I do not get paid or anything from saying this about these tanks.  They come in regular and maternity and I lived in them during my pregnancy (and still do!).  They are super comfy, ultra flattering, fit well and aren't too short!  I love the material and they go with everything!  I cannot live without these :)  

Prompts for WEEK 16 (April 23) are:
My favorite makeup item is ..
The best book I’ve ever read was ____ because …
My favorite TV show is …
The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done is …
I prefer DOGS/CATS because …
I met my significant other …

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fussy Baby = Stressed out Mama

April 9, 2014

Fussy Baby = Stressed out Mama

George can be the sweetest baby in the world, cooing and smiling one minute and the next he is screaming as though someone pinched him. What is making this little guy so upset?  We have tried different formulas (Enfamil Gentlease, Similac Sensitive, Similac Alimentum, and now Similac Soy) to see if perhaps formula was the problem. (side note: he had the same issues with my breast milk, which is why we started on formula) We have mixed formulas because sometimes the straight formula constipates the poor little one and nothing seems to be the cure. We have been to the doctor and they just say it's normal... normal?! Hmm. Okay.

This is wearing heavy on my heart because we have a lot of friends with new babies.. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. We had dinner with friends on Saturday night and while they are fighting over who gets to hold their precious baby girl, Adam and I are fighting who has to hold screaming George and try to calm him. It simply makes me sad. We went to a get together with friends the weekend before. Adam arrived after me because he was finishing up renovations at his parent’s house. I thought I was going to have to leave early because of my screaming baby boy. When we arrived, he gave everyone smiles, and within 10 minutes, he was screaming uncontrollably.  I dread social events because I'm now "that parent" with the screaming child. 

I write this as a confessional. I love my little boy more than anyone can possibly imagine. But I don't look forward to being home at night sometimes because I know it's going to be screaming and trying to console him rather than playing and laughing. It stresses Adam out and he can only handle it for a few minutes, which means I spend most of my time holding George and do not get a lot of "me" time.  And yes, I know that being a parent is self-less... but it's wearing on me.

I'm told this is a phase and will soon go away... and while I do NOT want to wish my time away with George, I wish he wouldn't hurt. That's all I can think about. If he skinned his knee, I would hold him and hug him to try and make him feel better.. and since I can't see his injury, why would I treat him any differently? I just have to have faith that he will get better and we will have joy and laughter in this house. In the meantime, I'm counting my blessings for the few minutes a day I do get of baby smiles :)

Finish This!! -- Week #14

April 9, 2014
Finish This!
This game is called "Finish This," and all you have to do is finish the following prompts and link up your post below! You can also visit the other hosts of this party on their fun blogs: Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {Coastlined}, and Becky {The Java Mama}.  
 ... We love Twins baseball in this house.. and went to the Twins home opener.. We left George at home with Grandma but had him dressed up for the day anyway!!

On a Saturday morning, I usually... Wake up early :) We are early birds at our house - even before we had sweet baby George. Adam usually makes us a nice hot breakfast and we watch the morning news before starting our day..
I feel beautiful when... I have just finished a hard workout or hard run. While I love having my hair done and makeup on, I truly feel strong and capable when I'm done working out. While my physical beauty is 100% compromised during exercise (think red face, messy hair, sweat.. uugh) but I know I'm doing something good for myself by working out. Working out = Beautiful.
I wake up every morning... thinking about what I can eat. Seriously I have been this way my entire life. I envy people who cannot eat until later in the morning (although eating right away is much healthier!). I'm trying so so hard to eat healthier in the mornings but some days I simply want those peanut M&Ms... (Peanut M&Ms are my vice.. especially the holidays ones.. they are a must!) ..and I wonder why I can't lose the baby weight!!
A happy home... is a loud home :) It means it's filled with joy and laughter and playing and all sorts of conversation. I love hearing George talk to himself and make baby conversation.. and I really enjoy having people over to our home. There is nothing like visiting with old friends and telling stories while eating good food.. (Common theme? = food!)
When I have down time, I... workout or take George for a walk. I really struggle with finding time to workout a minimum of 3 times a week, so when I can squeeze one in I definitely do!!

Prompts for next week:

My favorite vacation spot is...
If I won a million dollars I would…
If I found a genie in a bottle, my three wishes would be...
My favorite clothing item is...


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Finish This! -- Week #13

Finish This!

This game is called "Finish This," and all you have to do is finish the following prompts and link up your post below! You can also visit the other hosts of this party on their fun blogs: Nicole {Three 31} Lisa {Coastlined}, and Becky {The Java Mama}.


1. I don't get enough... TIME in the day.  I am a full-time working mom with a long commute each day into the city.  I try to make it to the gym after work and home in time for cuddles and time with my boys.  I always wish for more hours in the day :)

2. My favorite indulgence... by far, hands down, Mountain Dew.  Since having George I have had to cut WAY back but this is the one thing I simply love love love to savor when I get one! (And I can never seem to get enough Peanut M&Ms either!)

3. I made a major change in my life when... I became a mom.  Prior to George I had an awesome job that I got to travel all over the country for extended periods of time.  I loved what I did because it involved helping people with computer issues, teaching classes, and data analytics (that's the nerdy side of me!).  But, becoming a mom has slowed me down and now I have a great job and get to come home to my wonderful family each night.

4. You should read... Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.  Hands down one of the best reads ever!  She does an excellent job creating empathy for a character who committed a horrific crime.  As a mother, this book speaks to me and what I would do if my child were involved.  The ending also is a complete shock. I loved this book!!

5.  Parmesan is my secret ingredient in... My lasagna... I add a thick layer of this on top of the sauce in each level of the dish.  It melds the sauce with the cheese and creates an incredible flavor. YUM!