Monday, August 11, 2014

Weekend Recap

I feel like I just wrote my weekend review, but here I sit writing it again a week later... I'm starting to wonder if I write these to share or if I write them to simply remember what we actually did all weekend. Crazy how fast the time goes! 

This past Friday our daycare was closed so George spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa.  He had lots of visitors too!  Auntie Dorinda and Auntie Patti came to see him while he was over.  He helped grandma with laundry and they went for a long walk to the post office too!  George and grandpa went out for a few rides on the ATV - one of G's favorite things to do.

We had to run a bunch of errands on Saturday and George was such a trooper!!  We made a stop at Carters to pick up a few gifts and I saw these sweet shoes and had to grab them for G.  My sweet boy has the smallest little feet!  These are 3-6 month shoes and he still has a little room in them :)

Below:  We went to the Hammond Heartland Days Parade and met up with some of Adam's friends who were there.  Their little girl Harper was born in November.  It has been so fun watching all of these little ones grow up so fast!  Miss Harper has some teeth coming in already too - we are still waiting for George's first one to pop through!

George was such a good boy on Sunday at dinner!  He played with Great Grandpa George and was all smiles for Uncle Alex.  Grandpa took him for a ride on the ATV and grandma got out his little blocks and he had so much fun playing with them!!  We stayed to watch the end of the golf match and G was sooooo tired.  Good thing for grandma as she was able to rock him to sleep.

Looking forward to more fun filled weekends ahead!  Have a wonderful week :)

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